To CD, Or Not to CD – That’s the Question
Aug 20By the time those three big boxes from the disc manufacturing plant made it to my front door (lots of stairs… huff, puff!), I’d already answered the question of course. In the digital age, there is less and less demand for actual, physical CDs, since people can easily download the music they want online. Still, it’s always good to have a choice. Call me old fashioned, but I wanted the...
Songwriting From the Heart, From Israel
Aug 20When I first started writing songs, my material was heavily weighted toward the subjects that occupied most of my time: my kids. I remember when I used to introduce my performance of “Survival of the Fittest” by telling audiences how this song was inspired the tri-partite split that characterized my life… the fact that I was (1) a singer-songwriter, (2) a science writer, and (3) the mother...
Where Israel’s Folk Community Shines
Aug 20Just got back from the first of two summertime “hoots” sponsored by the Jerusalem Folk Club. After a day of oppressive heat and humidity in my home town, it was great to drive up the hill at night and cool off in Jerusalem’s higher elevation. My spirits were elevated, too. Outdoor hoots – in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv – have become a much-anticipated thing around here. Unlike the regular...